Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Monday, July 04, 2005

Counting Down to Perth Trip

As the weeks went by like a bolt of lightning, I wish I could just hold on tight to this weekend and never let it go. The agenda list for the coming two weeks seem to stretch for at least a yard long. There are so much to be done and yet, even though knowing too well myself that my memory store aint one that has got high storage capacity, I chose to make mental notes instead of putting them down in my neglected PDA. Ahh! My interest in the "toy" that I once longed so much for have worn out- in barely five or six months!

It's not true that I dread the coming school experience where I had to do observations on how teachers conduct classes. In fact, I am looking forward to it. But I just couldnt put my finger on exactly why I have mixed emotions as the day draw nearer. A feeling of dread cos' it signalled that the new semester is starting soon, in about 3 weeks' time. The warning sirens of my weaknesses and inadequacy came pounding hard on me as I imagined how life is going to like in the following week if I cant meet the expectations (if there's any in the first place!).

My Perth trip preparations have been in a mess too! The insurance cover have stated the country region wrongly and I gotta make a call to get them to amend it. There seems like so much to pack as well. The itinery needs to be reviewed and I have yet to follow up with the AUD exchange rate. ArrrGGhhhh! On top of my Perth trip prep, Ive got so much miscellanous stuff to deal with.

I realised that Im really someone who need lots of time alone, taking things slow and easy. Just take this weekend for instance. Jon was on duty and I got the saturday off for myself. My day was wonderful. Spent the whole afternoon watching (and re-winding back to my favourite scenes) Sarah Brightman live concert on DVD. It was a splendid performance. Then, I spent quite a while to do cross-checks on my examination timetable and master timetable. That was tedious... and SILLY!

I spent my Sunday lazing in front of the TV with Jon. And yeah, Im reminiscing the Sarah Brightman DVD! haha.. Then, it was Vortex meeting at 3.30pm. Spent three hours at Borders reading and searching for good bargains. Finally got to utilise part of my $100 gift! I'm really grateful to RuiQiang for this! hee!


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