Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Little gestures that make a difference

Never under-estimate the power of little thoughtful gestures. It can make a huge difference and brightens up someone's day unknowingly.

El's unexpected mail really warmed my heart. It just brought light to my dreadful day. I have been feeling really down recently. Work bogged me down quite abit and I thought everyone's too far away to understand what I'm going through. I thought emails can never convey how upset I am.

Things got pretty complicated here. But it just surprised me that a simple letter that carries the essence of encouragement and support can make me feel so much better.

One lesson to be learnt today: We often do or say things unintentionally. It can either hurt or brighten someone's day unknowingly.

The other thing to learn is, I can be the only pilot of my own life. I can either choose to apreciate and RECOGNISE the simple gifts of life, or allow nasty things to upset me.

El has always been a thoughtful friend. That's probably one positive thing I need to pick up from her. I've made the mistake of saying awful things to the one I love and has unintentionally hurt them. I have got lots of people who cares and means alot to me. So, I'm not going to allow bad characters at work to bring me down.

Well, besides continuously learning new things about life, we shouldnt forget to seek positivity and appreciation in the gloomy environment that appeared to be plagued by bad elements. I'm still the happy lil' girl, and I'll live.. =)


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