Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Once, at a certain stage in my life, I felt so betrayed by friends. In the recent 3 or 4 years, i began to feel differently about my circle of friends. I came to know new friends from all walks of life. And I'm especially thankful to friends who have made a difference to my life.

My poly clique helped me to see the importance and responsibility to care for my family. They helped me to realise how to love and recover from love that hurts emotionally. They have motivated me. And they're my confidants. Poly life could never be that enjoyable without them!

Then, I got to know my uni bunch, whom I managed to bond with them, after a while. I realised that even very different people can still be great friends, so long as there is understanding and acceptance. Sincerity counts alot in most friendships.

Even for friends whom I hardly get to meet, they can just understand my emotions easily as i pour my troubles to them. These includes Amy and Sharon.

And then there's this bunch of friends from YMCA. People from different professions, coming together serving the same cause for the less priviledged. It's been a joy volunteering with YMCA, meeting people who went through very different life experiences. They opened up another side of Singapore's society, which is often obscured and neglected.

Really cant bear to leave the friendships that I've built up here. Friends are not easy to come by. And I believe that's especially true as age catches up with a person.

A friend is always someone whom you can count on, whether you get to meet up often or not. The bond is always there, as you remember and treasure the moments when you first get started, and the process of building up the friendship.

Life could never be complete without reliable friends. And of course, dont forget about family members who will always care.