Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Friday, May 26, 2006

It's Friday.. But..

It's Friday again. Add one more week to my stay in Australia please!

It's hard to believe how time flies. The sweet sleep in my cosy bed just the night before my departure doesn't seem to feel that far away. The "Last Thursday in Singapore" that I was talking about with Beng on MSN feels only like yesterday (taking into account that today's indeed Friday, "Last Thursday in Singapore" feels so real). It feels like it was only hours ago when I was fighting back my tears futilely as I watched my mum pulling out a piece of tissue to dry her tears discretely.

Yet, at the same time, I feel that I have been around for so long. That statement must have been the perfect irony.

So much things had happened and I was half-joking with Angela once, that it's a good bargain-- going through quite abit in merely three months. Yes, quite abit, in my own sense of measurement and capacity. I would understand if someone begs to differ. And that was three months, at the point of conversation.

I'm feeling so defeated now. I wouldn't dare to breathe my loneliness and weakness to anyone. I don't think I know where to start from either. I feel like I'm back to the bottom of the pit again. It's not solely because of work and being on my own most of the time that makes me feel sickened of everything. I'm just feeling so down and it annoys me even more when I can't put my fingers on things or even find the strength to pull myself out of the situation.

I really miss the times when I get knocked out the moment I hit my bed. The memories of the comfort of my own home smell so sweet, but sadly, too far away.

But well, God is always fair enough. Someone will always bring consolation at the most unexpected moment. Someone will always draw me away just before I hit the trough. And I thank God for these people...

To give a balanced view of my life here, I learnt to appreciate and came to recognise sincere friends. I certainly know that my poly friends will always be there to lend a listening ear (if I am able to put things across). Elaine's another sweetie who never stops showing her lil' gestures of concern and motivation. To top it all, I made my first real friend here!! In just three months! Cheers!

Just a pity that she'll be heading back to Thailand tonight. Nonetheless, she's a lovely gift from God and I'll never forget the chilly walk back from the dinner.. Our laughter seem to melt away the bitter-cold atmosphere on the streets.

Nothing's going to be too bad and hopeless. I HOPE...


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