Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Ladder 49

Alrite, im not going to give a review abt Ladder 49. But just wanna throw in some thoughts and rid some sores. I just cant comprehend what's heroism. And also, draw the difference between being heroic and being stupid for me. I almost wept.. but im sorry, not for the "hero" (the inverted commas are not meant to be satirical. but before i figure out wad exactly makes a real hero, i shant be too generous in my decoration), but for the bereaved family.. Aww, im not being melancholic here btw!

I mean, wad's saving a life in exchange for ur own? Is it worth the mourning and the indelible agony that you are going to put ur loved ones through? co'mon, u r deserting ur loved ones! hw could u pay such a dear price for someone you dont even know! that's clearly prepostrous! Absurb! Totally ridiculous, illogical and senseless! arrghhh!

I cant stand a certain population of the male species for their overt concern over PRIDE, EGO and OVER-DIGNIFICATION! does it make u less masculine if you dont risk and stake all you have to extend a helping hand to ur buddies?

I almost idolize heroes in the past. Like, men in uniforms. See, the media and some civic education in school have drilled in the perfect image since my early days of childhood. great! but now, the picture perfect have been smashed. I have heard and seen too much. *I wouldnt wanna risk my life here by supplying the details* Im bordering on total conviction. Yank me from the verge if you can show me someone who's got a passion and dedication to the so-called noble cause.

I found that Im more in love with a pragmatic guy who cares about the implicated parties in his life. Nopez, i dont want a self-seeking freak nor a hero who will abandon his family for a "greater" cause. I just need someone who can strike a healthy balance. Now, do u get wad i mean by being a drifter myself? and at the same time, I wanted to be as simple and down-to-earth as life cld tolerate. I didnt contradict myself in my profile! haha!

Look, I know u r going to say that if everyone is as freaking selfish as me, who would take up break-necking and perilous jobs in the society? But u just need freaking ME to be the devil *HEEZ!!!**Yawnz* Im tired. Done with CTE test in the afternoon. Joined Zach at the library and managed to do a lil bit of revision. Left for town 4 plus, hoping to catch Manchurian Candidate. But heck, I ended up with Ladder 49. well, it's entertaining! gotta unwind before I go on full-fledged revision-gear next week.

And pls, God, please rip out my lazy bones and purge out the procratinating devil in me! I need to be more focused!

*off to bed*


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