Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Thursday, November 11, 2004

My letter to God today

Dear God,
Please help me to be wise up. Falling into a pit and then learn how to climb out of it is a learning experience. But God, I want to be able to see the pit and know how to avoid it instead. A fall is too painful a price to pay for a lesson.
Help me not to fall into the same pit again. COs that can only happen to a fool.
Grant me the strength to cover the pit and get alive! Protect me from people who schemes to push me into the pit. Guard my soul and mind so that it wont get exploited by others.
Let me see light in life and not be trapped in the vicious pit of cynicism. I dont want to deviate from your teachings again. Your words are the truth and light themselves. Going against your teachings is the most silly mistake one can commit in life. Lord, I have realised, and truly regret my mistakes. Help me, Lord!
Allow my heart to accomodate only the truly sincere one and lock it there ALWAYS. Guide me, Lord, so that I know who deserves my love and who doesnt.
Thank you, God, for I know, no matter what, you'll still be here with me. So long as I turn to you and place my trust in you, you will never let me off the edge.
Everything and everyone will change. Man will always fail. But in you Lord, I find eternal love, strength, solution and peace.
Yours sincerely,
Felicia Wong.


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