Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Monday, December 06, 2004

Mandatory medical test for couples before marriage?

Throw me the question and I'd not hesitate to tell you that it's a splendid move! No doubt honesty is the foremost important ingredient in building a relationship. However, the sad truth is presented at the table now-- You would never know what the other party could be hidding from you. Certainly, no one would want to discover the undesirable secret only after marriage.

Im not trying to sow discord among dating couples. But, I just want to highlight the fact that not everyone is honest about everything and you cant expect a complete disclosure from your partner. There you go! My cynism is setting in again.

While everything may look good on the surface, you wont really know. Take the CAO meltdown as an example. Who would have thought that such a reputable company could go debt-ridden with its' ridiculous speculative dabbles in derivatives? I heard about this tragic tale some years back. My lecturer's friend was married to this man who was divorced with a kid, out of what-she-thought-to-be-LOVE. Later, she contracted VD from this man. It was beyond my imagination to phantom the betrayal and hurt the victim had to go through! She had done more than enough to accept a divorcee with a kid. What she got in return was lies and a heap of miseries that plagued her soul and physical being!

To make medical test mandatory would serve a useful purpose for pre-wed couples to decide whether they are serious about taking the maritial oath-- to remain together and be there for each other in weak health. It ease up things because some couples may it difficult to agree on such an arrangement themselves.

And to withhold crucial health and financial information from one's fiancee is an irresponsible thing to do. It tantamounts to being a liar! How can you entrust your happiness to such a person?

Leave the cherished idealism of love aside, I mean, not all can accept marrying a bankrupt or someone with a medical background. What's the point of being a "scammer" and try to get the other party into marriage by painting a deceptive picture perfect? Such people must be the meanest and most selfish creatures on earth. How can you ruin another person's lifelong happiness? I can never comprehend the force that can compel one to commit such a sinister act!

Dont get me wrong. It's not that I'm that mindful about everything. But the bottom line still boils down to two important issues. First, it's about honesty and trust between the two parties who are supposedly to be in love. Second, if one party refuses to disclose important facts during the dating stage, he or she is lost in self-deception. Do you think you can really get away by keeping hush-hush? If the other party cannot accept your background, then tell me, why do you wanna get married? Stop deceiving everyone and get alive!

Though I can shamelessly admit that Im a selfish freak, I would certainly not hand on horrendous misery to someone else. Yes, Ive got my own personality flaws (and probably tons of it). But I'd rather my partner discover it than trying to act like Im a descended Angel from heaven. What convince me of real love is someone who can accept me for who I am.


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