Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Party time

Guess wad? I went to Zouk's mambo for the second time on wed! I hv kinda sworn to myself that I won't set foot on Zouk again-- at least for a mambo nite.. But that day was an exception. My bro was there. so were a few other friends. But still, it was a wrong move. Shld hv gone to Dbl O for drinks instead.

Thu was spent clubbing at mdm wong. It was so boring! I had more drinks than movements on the dance floor! It was so unlike me! urggghhh...

Fri- meeting at YMCA. We ended up changing our programme again. But well, Im not too mindful about efficiency and meeting deadlines when im working with YMCA projects. I seriously feel that being able to have fun and learn at the same time is more important than anything else.

Met K on mambo nite. So surprised to see the drastic change in him! HAvent seen him for close to 2 yrs. He's really a changed person, from inside out! Change in mentality and appearance.. Im happy for him. Changing for the better is the best thing that can happen to anyone in life. Life is a huge moving wheel. We have to adapt and improve ourselves from time to time. I guess it's part of growing up. Growing up happens to everyone. it's not just adolescents who are going throu this. Growing up can be a change in mentality. It doesnt mean that you possess all the so-called "correct" principles and attitude in life if you r already 40 or 50. People and situations change. Some people changes from a highly rigid person, to someone who is less flexible. Some experiences emotional or spiritual change.


well, changes cut both ways. It can be good or bad especially in a relationship. Be it family ties or the passion in a romantic r/s... Leave it to you ppl to ponder over the truth of this..

Im going back to the bookfair on Sunday! yeah! heezzz...


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