Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Chocolates buffet and bookfair

Another pic at home after bookfair Posted by Hello

These two days had been enjoyable... Went to chocolate buffet with Jon yesterday. The variety was kinda limited. Thought I would have a feast of choices and nibble away huge chunks of dark chocs. Haha! The tiramisu thing was sOOOooo nice! Choc drinks are not that bad. Atmosphere would have been better if I had made the reservation earlier. We were seated at the bright corner. The seat wasnt that comfy. Urggghhh, cant beat the fondue thingy at Gallery Hotel! Overall, it was a fantastic nite with the soft drizzle and lotsa kisses... hahaz... I just love the rain..

Went for the bookfair with Maple today. bought lotsa books at great prices. Hardcover stuff costs about 7 or 8 bucks only! goodness! Im still thinking if I should get the collection of Claude Monet masterpieces at 12 bucks and another book on dolls at 13 bucks. Both are hardcovers... and really beautiful!!!! i love renaissance and impressionistic art works... there was another book on photography. It features artistic depiction of bodies and movement. really nice! but i doubt im going to even consider getting that though it consists superior pieces. guess i still treasure the classical genres. =P

Im kinda afraid that I would go gaga over doll collections after reading the books. It's gonna be another hobby that will burn my pocket.

The books are really heavy... haiz, should hv made arrangements to go with YC. At least, ive got a car to dump my books in. hahazz...

Im marvelling at myself... I mean how much Ive changed over the years. used to be a spendthrift and a frivolous fashion victim. I nv tot of investing my money into books. Nv really tot of saving up my money. Geez, take a good look at me now! Im sOooo into personal finance mgt. Thinking of saving for retirement and property investment at this age! Beginning to hate impractical stuff as well. Just rem the rose conversation I had with Elaine, Tra, Dorling and Chai Li on thu... aww, prematured aging! damn...

A cranky guy approached me today. Thought he was asking for directions but he was trying to befriend me. I was surprised that no sarcastic words came from my mouth. if it was a few yrs back, i might have snapped at him and said, "I dun fancy cheena guys!".. He actually followed me all the way to the taxi stand! duhzzz... But well, i have learnt not to be so bitchy and cocky anymore.

I cant wait to indulge in the books ive bought. Might make a trip bk to get the dolly book.. Oh man, I love beautiful things!! going to the lib to read up more on artworks... Im hoping to catch some classical dance or visit some arts exhibition for this hols... And im beginning to love learning more and more.. Not because of achieving good grades for exams anymore. but really for the sake of filling my brains with intelligent stuff. Learning is so fun... only if MOE cld do away with exams!!! grades can depress and demoralise me sOOOooo much! Anyway, hope that this hols will be a fulfilling one..

Oh yeah, im thinking of getting an electronic dictionary. Let me decide how practical it is... =)

I gotta go throu my accounting stuff later. Going to tutor Kun for his paper on Mon. A good time for me to recap what ive learnt in Poly... Tmr will be another great day, I believe... so long as there is no exams or assignment deadline anxiety... hahahahazzz...


At 2:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey art and photography too :) can't wait to see u soon too hahahaha! yeah will check out the dimsum thingy...-Jen


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