Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Academic Jokes (July sem 2004)

Haha, just wanna do a recap of the funny happenings in school..

Joke 1

Tutorial discussion on build-up of Mao's personality cult

Dr Wang(posing question to me): What is the legitimacy for CCP tp rule?

Me: ....

Beng: What do u mean by legitimacy to rule?

Dr Wang: Good question! (and he said sth like he will tell us the next lesson..)

MSN conversation at night with Beng

Beng's nick: What is legitimacy? Tell me the next lesson!

Joke 2

MSN conversation with En on the eve of final paper

En's nick: I will have another best friend tonight- Chairman Mao

Me: I just found out that Elvis has got an uncircumcised penis, Lennon has a homosexual r/s with his manager and Hitler has got a missing testicle.

(P/S: The above is based on Albert Goldman's and Robert Waite's account.)

En: Mao is gay too!

(Based on "Private Lives of Mao". )

Mao was alleged to have raped his twenty-yr-old bodyguard.

En (re-replaying the scenario): Tong Zi, ni lai... dao zhe li lai...

Crude and lame jokes yah? Well, that's our way of relieving stress. Im sOooOOoo glad to have my break now! hahaz! But im keeping my fingers crossed. Hope that I wun faint when i check out the results on the 15th.

Watched taxi yesterday. Oh man, why must there always be sexist elements in shows? Why does the sexy and voluptous ladies deserve more attention than the smart daredevil heroine?

Going to catch another show today with Elaine, Tracia and Dorling.

So, wazzup for the next five or 6 weeks?

Next week's agenda:

  • Movies and shopping with my sis and god-sis (a good way o smoking out their preference for xmas gifts)

  • window-shop for xmas gift (but i gotta come up with a list of what-to-get-for-so-and-so before this)

  • make a facial appointment (prob on fri)

  • get some books to read (hoping to finish at least one book per week. reasonable target cos i'll be out most of the time.

  • check out the dates for SGX workshops

  • Do some planning for YMCA's next comm meeting


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