Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Monday, November 15, 2004

Insomnia, exams anxiety and hyperactivity (at the wrong time)

Geez, Im feeling the aftermath of overdosage of caffeine! cant slp until 4 plus this morning. And i got up slightly after 8am! my sinus is seriously depriving me from sleep... esp during the dreamy wee hours. Let me recall how ive been spending my time frivolously for the past one week after my Maths paper.

I wasted wed and thu. Spent the whole Friday unfruitfully. Was 3/4 into the biography of John Lennon. UrrGGghhh.. it's full of what-Goldman-believed-to-be inane chews of his sex life and remote incidents that could possibly make him a psychotic star. goodness! i gave up that topic cos there's so much to read. After Lennon, I still gotta read up more absurdities on Elvis. More "juicy" stuff to hit! I'll prob come back to it tmr if ive got the time. But high possibilities that I wont!

Spent Saturday covering psychoanalysis of Hitler. More ridiculous readings on why one biographer believed that he had a missing testicle and why the other was skeptical about the rumour. Tell me, what's the big deal about his sexual depravity or how many testicle(s) he has got?

Wonder whether it is really human's nature to be so fascinated by the speculation of the sexual aspects of legendary figures. Thank god that Im just an anoymous low-profile student. I can never imagine anyone writing such stuff about me after I depart from this world!

oh yeah, i also side-tracked a great deal on sat, reading things that arent really related to Hitler. hahaz... it's a great deal more interesting rather than being screwed to the argument on whether Hitler was mad or evil.

there was this article on a psychiatric test conducted on 40 men to test if human would have no qualms about being cruel if they were instigated by a superior authority to carry out such duties.

the 40 men (subjects of the experiment) were introduced to a 47-yr-old accountant. the real objective of the experiement was not revealed to them and they were told that the accountant was the "subject" of the experiment instead.

The accountant was brought into a room and strapped onto an "electric chair". The subject was given a list of word-associated questions and answers. Each subject would be kept in a room that is seperated from the accountant by a glass panel. The question would be posted to the accountant over the microphone. An authorative figure would be present to monitor the experiement.

Each time the accountant gave a wrong answer to the question, the subject would be asked by the authorative figure to deliver an "electric shock" to the accountant. the voltage of the shock would be increased after each mistake. for example, for the first mistake, the voltage would be 100 V. and subsequent mistakes would result in increments of say, 100 V each time. There was a range of voltage and 350 V could result in death. 400-450 V was marked with XX. The subject was fully aware of the consequences of each additional shock.

As mentioned, the aim of the experiment was not disclosed to the subject. Hence, the "electric shocks" were not real and the accountant was safe throughout the whole experiement. take this as a role-play thing.

What was the reaction of the subject?

Well, most subjects, upon hearing the painful grunts and agonising screams of the accountant, asked the authorative figure if he could stop the experiement. The authorative figure would decline them for at least five or six times before they stop the experiment.

It was found that two thirds of the 40 subjects delivered the shock up to 450 v. recall that 350 v was enough to cause death! Hence, it was concluded that under authorative pressure, human beings are induced to commit acts of brutality. The experimenter noted tensed behaviour like bitting of nails, hammering one's fists on the table etc during the test.

this experiment makes me ponder whether Mao or his henchmen were the real evil...

Ok, yesterday was slightly more fruitful... started on China history. But, after doing some readings on China History, i decided that I should read up on Lennon n Elvis to play safe cos Im not too well-versed with the communist politics though I crap tons of it here... heezzz!

Hope that I'd be able to complete China History by today.. Oh yeah, Im supposed to meet Jen later for shopping and coffee.

The holiday mood is distracting me from my revision schedule! Cant wait for exams to be over!!!


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