Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Friday, December 03, 2004

ConfeSsions of aN inCorRigibLe GLutton!!!

Shouldnt the title be "RePentaNce Of aN incorrigibLe gLutton" instead?

Pardon me if u hafta squint and pry open your eyes as you try to decipher my message that alternates from capital letters to small letters. It's really a die-hard habit.

The past few days had been pretty fun and fulfilling. Went to the zoo on Monday with the DSA kids. One of them kept saying that he wanna marry me! Got quite exasperated. It was no mean feat dealing with some of the kids who can be really tempermental. But it was really fun. Spent wednesday at home WATCHING (look, it's absolutely neccessary that i highlight this) Jon cook sphagetti and delivering the savory lunch in total delight. Yummy! It's been at least 2 or 3 months since Ive last indulged in delectable sphagetti with its plentiful ingredients swimming in the thick and rich mushroom gravy. i just love home-cooked sphagetti. I can dictate how I want it to be. Absolutely in the way I like it! Experimented with pizza-making later in the afternoon. 4 small-sized pizza shared among my sis, Jon and me. And mind you, that's not all! Had a few slices of salmon and chocs for supper after I returned home from the YMCA meeting. SinfuL Wednesday!

Thursday's lunch was dim sum buffet with Jen and her two colleagues. They were flabbergasted by the truly "astonishing" horrors of our stint with KP. Yes, we can now amuse ourselves by re-telling the tales in a jovial and probably sarcastic manner. In reality, it has done much damage and devastated my interest in accounting. But I do have to confess that making the big steer in my path was kinda impulsive. It's an admission that the decision to abstain from accounting and escape from the evilness of the corporate world was indeed an extreme one. I was too intimidated by the complexity. The ubiquity of stiff competition is something that I thought was impossible for me to handle.

BUT again, I believe in God's will. If teaching wasnt really something meant for me, I wouldnt have been successful at the interview despite of my burning fever on that day.

Still, Im apprehensive about my future. My route for the next 7 years or so have been paved. When others talk about what they see themselves in 10 years' time, I could picture myself as someone no more than a rather fresh educator, earning just enough to keep my stomach filled. I cringed because I cant see a stronger self in the near future. Im an ambitious lady. I yearn for a quality life. My blazing desires for material needs can never be diminished. It can only get stronger. But, I have yet to figure out the means of achieving my ends.

Someone asks me why am I always depressed. My lofty ambition is the answer.

I need to be more focused in the coming year and stop frittering away precious time on the so-called "brainless activity". My self-discipline and the ability to focus has been diminishing. I badly need a fix!

For now, ive got an urgent issue to resolve... gotta watch what I'll be eating in the coming weeks and reckon a way to work off those extra kilos. ANd geez! Ive got a bbq tonite! this entire week has been overladen with food! and it's barely close to xmas... what will become of me when sch starts???


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