Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

New Year Resolution

Was all worked up in the morning. My PC almost failed me at the most critical moment. Everything was on the standby when it was 9 mins to the registration time. When Im left with 3 mins to go, my PC just shut down automatically without any warning. How could that happen? Muttering a lil' prayer to God, I restarted my comp with bated breath. Yeah! Just in time to login for the 1pm registration! Managed to register for the elective that I wanted.

Various resolutions have been sprawling all over my mind in these 1 or 2 weeks.. Hmm, perhaps I should get my thoughts organised now. Hope that next year's gonna be an eventful one. I just wanna treasure school life...

So here it goes:

  • Bag more As and drive away the Cs and Ds-- Oh yeah, my goal is to get an honours. Let me be abit more consistent and diligent in Year 2005. I wanna be nearer to my goals.

  • Stop reminiscing and not to let the past bog me down-- Whatever had happened should be left behind. Im not going to let the past burden me and carry forward to the new year.

  • Be more happy and cheerful-- Hope that I won't let anything get me down and practise the habit of being happy. Gotta learn to have a thanksgiving heart so that I wont make things difficult for myself.

  • Looking good and being healthy will be part of my effort to do well in my studies and be more cheerful... hahazz. So I'd better start an exercise and skincare regime! Gotta devour more fruits n veggie to maintain the healthy glow (as advised by my beautician! hee!). Yeah, gonna work harder to look good and maintain a healthy lifestyle... so that I'll look young forever. hahahaz! You wont believe this! but im really worried abt aging and sagging! I dont want to turn into a hag so soon..

  • To better juggle my time-- No time isnt an excuse anymore! Gotta use my time wisely so that I can pick up more books and do a dozen of more meaningful stuff. that includes building up a stronger relationship with God!

If I cant fix the mess, Im gonna leave it behind with time. Year 2005 is gonna be a year for me to start afresh and create great memories to keep! Cant wait to send 2004 off, though it meANs that term's drawing near!


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