Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Thursday, January 20, 2005

A lady by the Sea...

She wore a white toga dress.
Her beautiful long tresses were blown around.
Occasionally, wisps of her soft hair brushed gently on her cheeks.

The moonlight illuminated her fair skin.
But she looked somewhat pale under the moonlight,
As if the moon had sapped her energy.

The deep vast sea that roared with rising tides,
Seemed to have engulfed her,
Into a chaotic world of unhappy thoughts.

The ruffles of her dress flipped rhythmatically with the breeze.
She stared into the dark waters,
And watched the tides race on the shores.

For a moment, she wondered how it would feel,
If she were to be at the mercy of these tides.
Would they bring release to her miseries?

She closed her eyes and wished,
That the tides would take her away,
To a sanctuary that no one could hurt her.

Random thoughts of morbidity scurried across her mind.
She imagined that she was floating lifelessly,
In the deep vast sea.

Would anyone care if she were to die at this very instance?


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