Do not be overrighteous, neither be overwise

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Party time

Guess wad? I went to Zouk's mambo for the second time on wed! I hv kinda sworn to myself that I won't set foot on Zouk again-- at least for a mambo nite.. But that day was an exception. My bro was there. so were a few other friends. But still, it was a wrong move. Shld hv gone to Dbl O for drinks instead.

Thu was spent clubbing at mdm wong. It was so boring! I had more drinks than movements on the dance floor! It was so unlike me! urggghhh...

Fri- meeting at YMCA. We ended up changing our programme again. But well, Im not too mindful about efficiency and meeting deadlines when im working with YMCA projects. I seriously feel that being able to have fun and learn at the same time is more important than anything else.

Met K on mambo nite. So surprised to see the drastic change in him! HAvent seen him for close to 2 yrs. He's really a changed person, from inside out! Change in mentality and appearance.. Im happy for him. Changing for the better is the best thing that can happen to anyone in life. Life is a huge moving wheel. We have to adapt and improve ourselves from time to time. I guess it's part of growing up. Growing up happens to everyone. it's not just adolescents who are going throu this. Growing up can be a change in mentality. It doesnt mean that you possess all the so-called "correct" principles and attitude in life if you r already 40 or 50. People and situations change. Some people changes from a highly rigid person, to someone who is less flexible. Some experiences emotional or spiritual change.


well, changes cut both ways. It can be good or bad especially in a relationship. Be it family ties or the passion in a romantic r/s... Leave it to you ppl to ponder over the truth of this..

Im going back to the bookfair on Sunday! yeah! heezzz...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

An Interestingly absurb poem from "The Healing Arts"

Philip Larkin
1922- 1985

This be the Verse

(extracted from pg 17)

Im really sorrie abt the f-words... but here it goes!

They f**k you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were f**ked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And dont have any kids yourself.

Well, it sounds like an angry poem, written by someone who was obviously fed up with the way things were.

Though absurd, I feel that there are some truth in it esp in the last stencil... "Man hands on misery to man.." and "dont have any kids yourself." hahahazzz...

I agree with all my heart that raising kids is no mean feat. Providing for their needs is already a big financial burden... Educating them is yet another huge concern. My point of view as at 23rd Nov... hahahhaazzz

Monday, November 22, 2004


Watched Shutter yesterday. It was a horrific Thai show. hehehe... Lesson for u guys: Never ever cheat on a girl... or else, u will bear the consequences. Do i sound like a man-hating bitch here? Yeah, you guys must be thinking that Im pro-feminist, bitchy and crazy after reading my entries which seemed to stereostype and isolate certain male species. I guess I will abstain from the horror genres for a while though.

Went to Cheesecake cafe after the show. Been a long time since Ive last visited the place... Where's my New York Cheesecake????????? Or hv i rem wrongly? gotta ask Den or M abt it!!! hahahazz... Anway, there was this kid who came over to chat with me. She's really so cute!!! She's pretty talkative and bold at her age. Guess she must be no older than 6 or 7 yrs old. Noticed that Ive been bumping into lil cuties whenever Im with Jon these days. Kids can be cute n fun. But i think they always exploit this fact and use it to get away with their acts of mischief most of the time. Arrggghhh... they look so monstrous when they misbehave! I gotta find a way to tackle the kids in my church ministry before they get me! *Evil grinz*

Bride and Prejudice on Wed... great!

Great hunts that I'd like to recommend:

1. Cheesecake cafe at Siglap

2. TCC at Circular Road

3. Beach bar at east coast

4. Altivo at Mt Faber

5. Embargo (Not sure if it's still operating)

6. Gallery Hotel cafe

7. China Square pubs and restaurants (if u enjoy nice alfresco and somewhat romantic wine and dine ambience. Some pubs offer pretty competitive prices for drinks.)

8. Chijmes (Same model as China Square. But more on the pricy side.)

Most of them have got comfy couch seats and kinda secluded (or else, they wont be on my recommendation list!) Hahaz. No worries abt the crowd on weekends except for cheesecake cafe.. Beach bar and Altivo are non-aircon areas but take ur time to enjoy the breeze and scenaric view! =)

Im hoping to discover more!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Chocolates buffet and bookfair

Another pic at home after bookfair Posted by Hello

These two days had been enjoyable... Went to chocolate buffet with Jon yesterday. The variety was kinda limited. Thought I would have a feast of choices and nibble away huge chunks of dark chocs. Haha! The tiramisu thing was sOOOooo nice! Choc drinks are not that bad. Atmosphere would have been better if I had made the reservation earlier. We were seated at the bright corner. The seat wasnt that comfy. Urggghhh, cant beat the fondue thingy at Gallery Hotel! Overall, it was a fantastic nite with the soft drizzle and lotsa kisses... hahaz... I just love the rain..

Went for the bookfair with Maple today. bought lotsa books at great prices. Hardcover stuff costs about 7 or 8 bucks only! goodness! Im still thinking if I should get the collection of Claude Monet masterpieces at 12 bucks and another book on dolls at 13 bucks. Both are hardcovers... and really beautiful!!!! i love renaissance and impressionistic art works... there was another book on photography. It features artistic depiction of bodies and movement. really nice! but i doubt im going to even consider getting that though it consists superior pieces. guess i still treasure the classical genres. =P

Im kinda afraid that I would go gaga over doll collections after reading the books. It's gonna be another hobby that will burn my pocket.

The books are really heavy... haiz, should hv made arrangements to go with YC. At least, ive got a car to dump my books in. hahazz...

Im marvelling at myself... I mean how much Ive changed over the years. used to be a spendthrift and a frivolous fashion victim. I nv tot of investing my money into books. Nv really tot of saving up my money. Geez, take a good look at me now! Im sOooo into personal finance mgt. Thinking of saving for retirement and property investment at this age! Beginning to hate impractical stuff as well. Just rem the rose conversation I had with Elaine, Tra, Dorling and Chai Li on thu... aww, prematured aging! damn...

A cranky guy approached me today. Thought he was asking for directions but he was trying to befriend me. I was surprised that no sarcastic words came from my mouth. if it was a few yrs back, i might have snapped at him and said, "I dun fancy cheena guys!".. He actually followed me all the way to the taxi stand! duhzzz... But well, i have learnt not to be so bitchy and cocky anymore.

I cant wait to indulge in the books ive bought. Might make a trip bk to get the dolly book.. Oh man, I love beautiful things!! going to the lib to read up more on artworks... Im hoping to catch some classical dance or visit some arts exhibition for this hols... And im beginning to love learning more and more.. Not because of achieving good grades for exams anymore. but really for the sake of filling my brains with intelligent stuff. Learning is so fun... only if MOE cld do away with exams!!! grades can depress and demoralise me sOOOooo much! Anyway, hope that this hols will be a fulfilling one..

Oh yeah, im thinking of getting an electronic dictionary. Let me decide how practical it is... =)

I gotta go throu my accounting stuff later. Going to tutor Kun for his paper on Mon. A good time for me to recap what ive learnt in Poly... Tmr will be another great day, I believe... so long as there is no exams or assignment deadline anxiety... hahahahazzz...

Taken at home... Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Academic Jokes (July sem 2004)

Haha, just wanna do a recap of the funny happenings in school..

Joke 1

Tutorial discussion on build-up of Mao's personality cult

Dr Wang(posing question to me): What is the legitimacy for CCP tp rule?

Me: ....

Beng: What do u mean by legitimacy to rule?

Dr Wang: Good question! (and he said sth like he will tell us the next lesson..)

MSN conversation at night with Beng

Beng's nick: What is legitimacy? Tell me the next lesson!

Joke 2

MSN conversation with En on the eve of final paper

En's nick: I will have another best friend tonight- Chairman Mao

Me: I just found out that Elvis has got an uncircumcised penis, Lennon has a homosexual r/s with his manager and Hitler has got a missing testicle.

(P/S: The above is based on Albert Goldman's and Robert Waite's account.)

En: Mao is gay too!

(Based on "Private Lives of Mao". )

Mao was alleged to have raped his twenty-yr-old bodyguard.

En (re-replaying the scenario): Tong Zi, ni lai... dao zhe li lai...

Crude and lame jokes yah? Well, that's our way of relieving stress. Im sOooOOoo glad to have my break now! hahaz! But im keeping my fingers crossed. Hope that I wun faint when i check out the results on the 15th.

Watched taxi yesterday. Oh man, why must there always be sexist elements in shows? Why does the sexy and voluptous ladies deserve more attention than the smart daredevil heroine?

Going to catch another show today with Elaine, Tracia and Dorling.

So, wazzup for the next five or 6 weeks?

Next week's agenda:

  • Movies and shopping with my sis and god-sis (a good way o smoking out their preference for xmas gifts)

  • window-shop for xmas gift (but i gotta come up with a list of what-to-get-for-so-and-so before this)

  • make a facial appointment (prob on fri)

  • get some books to read (hoping to finish at least one book per week. reasonable target cos i'll be out most of the time.

  • check out the dates for SGX workshops

  • Do some planning for YMCA's next comm meeting

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The pics taken on Monday with Jen, are finally ready. But ive decided to just upload this one... =P  Posted by Hello

Monday, November 15, 2004

High tea with Jen @ SRC

Had a fantastic time with Jen today. We chatted a great deal and took many crazy pics together. My digi-cam has been under-utilised u see.. hahaz! Will upload the pics here soon. Received a really early x'mas gift from her today. Kinda surprised! Well, im looking forward to my own xmas shopping after the exams!

Just realised how small Singapore is! Jen happened to know Kian Wee as well... How coincidental!

Agenda for tonite:


I cant believe what Ive been doing! been taking days off to go out... And my progress is SLOW!!!!!!!! arrGGGhhhhh! where's my motivation to get my honours??? or did i realise that it was too unattainable and decided to give it up in my sub-conscious mind?? hahaz.. Anyway, I think im really experiencing some serious sleep disorder. Too much of coffee can hurt u! BEWARE!!! =P

Insomnia, exams anxiety and hyperactivity (at the wrong time)

Geez, Im feeling the aftermath of overdosage of caffeine! cant slp until 4 plus this morning. And i got up slightly after 8am! my sinus is seriously depriving me from sleep... esp during the dreamy wee hours. Let me recall how ive been spending my time frivolously for the past one week after my Maths paper.

I wasted wed and thu. Spent the whole Friday unfruitfully. Was 3/4 into the biography of John Lennon. UrrGGghhh.. it's full of what-Goldman-believed-to-be inane chews of his sex life and remote incidents that could possibly make him a psychotic star. goodness! i gave up that topic cos there's so much to read. After Lennon, I still gotta read up more absurdities on Elvis. More "juicy" stuff to hit! I'll prob come back to it tmr if ive got the time. But high possibilities that I wont!

Spent Saturday covering psychoanalysis of Hitler. More ridiculous readings on why one biographer believed that he had a missing testicle and why the other was skeptical about the rumour. Tell me, what's the big deal about his sexual depravity or how many testicle(s) he has got?

Wonder whether it is really human's nature to be so fascinated by the speculation of the sexual aspects of legendary figures. Thank god that Im just an anoymous low-profile student. I can never imagine anyone writing such stuff about me after I depart from this world!

oh yeah, i also side-tracked a great deal on sat, reading things that arent really related to Hitler. hahaz... it's a great deal more interesting rather than being screwed to the argument on whether Hitler was mad or evil.

there was this article on a psychiatric test conducted on 40 men to test if human would have no qualms about being cruel if they were instigated by a superior authority to carry out such duties.

the 40 men (subjects of the experiment) were introduced to a 47-yr-old accountant. the real objective of the experiement was not revealed to them and they were told that the accountant was the "subject" of the experiment instead.

The accountant was brought into a room and strapped onto an "electric chair". The subject was given a list of word-associated questions and answers. Each subject would be kept in a room that is seperated from the accountant by a glass panel. The question would be posted to the accountant over the microphone. An authorative figure would be present to monitor the experiement.

Each time the accountant gave a wrong answer to the question, the subject would be asked by the authorative figure to deliver an "electric shock" to the accountant. the voltage of the shock would be increased after each mistake. for example, for the first mistake, the voltage would be 100 V. and subsequent mistakes would result in increments of say, 100 V each time. There was a range of voltage and 350 V could result in death. 400-450 V was marked with XX. The subject was fully aware of the consequences of each additional shock.

As mentioned, the aim of the experiment was not disclosed to the subject. Hence, the "electric shocks" were not real and the accountant was safe throughout the whole experiement. take this as a role-play thing.

What was the reaction of the subject?

Well, most subjects, upon hearing the painful grunts and agonising screams of the accountant, asked the authorative figure if he could stop the experiement. The authorative figure would decline them for at least five or six times before they stop the experiment.

It was found that two thirds of the 40 subjects delivered the shock up to 450 v. recall that 350 v was enough to cause death! Hence, it was concluded that under authorative pressure, human beings are induced to commit acts of brutality. The experimenter noted tensed behaviour like bitting of nails, hammering one's fists on the table etc during the test.

this experiment makes me ponder whether Mao or his henchmen were the real evil...

Ok, yesterday was slightly more fruitful... started on China history. But, after doing some readings on China History, i decided that I should read up on Lennon n Elvis to play safe cos Im not too well-versed with the communist politics though I crap tons of it here... heezzz!

Hope that I'd be able to complete China History by today.. Oh yeah, Im supposed to meet Jen later for shopping and coffee.

The holiday mood is distracting me from my revision schedule! Cant wait for exams to be over!!!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Rave Pageant Posted by Hello

Thursday, November 11, 2004

My letter to God today

Dear God,
Please help me to be wise up. Falling into a pit and then learn how to climb out of it is a learning experience. But God, I want to be able to see the pit and know how to avoid it instead. A fall is too painful a price to pay for a lesson.
Help me not to fall into the same pit again. COs that can only happen to a fool.
Grant me the strength to cover the pit and get alive! Protect me from people who schemes to push me into the pit. Guard my soul and mind so that it wont get exploited by others.
Let me see light in life and not be trapped in the vicious pit of cynicism. I dont want to deviate from your teachings again. Your words are the truth and light themselves. Going against your teachings is the most silly mistake one can commit in life. Lord, I have realised, and truly regret my mistakes. Help me, Lord!
Allow my heart to accomodate only the truly sincere one and lock it there ALWAYS. Guide me, Lord, so that I know who deserves my love and who doesnt.
Thank you, God, for I know, no matter what, you'll still be here with me. So long as I turn to you and place my trust in you, you will never let me off the edge.
Everything and everyone will change. Man will always fail. But in you Lord, I find eternal love, strength, solution and peace.
Yours sincerely,
Felicia Wong.

For reading pleasure...

Guard against the following type of guys:

1. Guys who lie- No matter how small the lie is

2. Guys who doesnt tell you everything- They only explain things vaguely when the girlfriend has the absolute right to know.

3. Guys who were divorced- Such guys are usually less sensible. If not, why would they end up in divorce?

4. Guys who say "I Love You" too often and too early- Dont ever believe too easily! Establish what they say by looking for tangible facts! They may be saying it because they think it's what you would want to hear most.

5. Guys who makes promises too easily but cant materialise the promise in the end- They are bloody losers! Girls would prefer nothing rather than to be disappointed in the end.

(Disclaimer: The above is only for viewing pleasure. I shall not be held liable for any misrepresentation.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

2 papers doWn...

Im done with maths today. goodness! ive lost 36 marks! history on mon was ok. got back my CEM assignment. Im pretty happy with the results. Managed a B at last for my assignment. =)

Things havent been going well for me and Jon. I dont know how to share this with my frens and im sure i wun tell just anyone abt it. i dUno hw aNy of my friends are going to react to the fact. Amy's the only person who knew abt it. Going out with YC later. so he'll be the next to know. will prob talk to Jen abt it as well. This thing had somehow affected my maths paper. but well, this sem was a flop. i just hope that things will be better next sem. i wanna start with the right foot...

But i have to thank god that things are pretty clear right now though it kinda hurt me... I wish i'd be wiser in the future...

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Catching-up session

Had a great lunch with my KPMG ex-colleagues on thu. Cheryl and Jen seem to be doing quite well with their new company. An Loon is pregnant! hahaz. Makes me wonder why am i that unlucky with my attachment. If it hadnt been KPmG, I might not have decided to move out of accounting field. but then again, it might not be the main reason. I AM CLUELESS.

Im burning high fr the exams fever! One more day to the first paper. Im feeling vexed, anxious and stressed out! cant wait for exams to be over.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Study... STUdy... STUDY!!!

Exams fever is here. Spent the whole afternoon at Mac studying yesterday. The environment's quite conducive. Went hm at 9 plus and out again at 11pm with Zach for a breather. Geez! we took an hour before we settled dwn at East Coast's Macafe. The cafes at Siglap were all near closing time by the time we get there. Resumed studies at 2am till 3.44am.

I think Jon got a bit paranoid whn im coffee-ing with another guy at such an ungodly hour. Silly him!

Today's not very productive. I guess I really cant stay at hm to do my revision. Arrggghhh, hOpe that i'd have some progress later at night. but no more coffee for me! ive got an ulcer. Ouch!